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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Question After how much nausea is it probably safe to say this one is not going to come to any

    Hi, I am new here but have been watching in the sidelines for a while too nervous to join. I am 26 and have had this phobia for as long as I can remember. I think it has been getting worse recently.

    To cut a long story short, I have bad nausea and have had it for 24 hours now. It got quite bad last night and I took motillium which didn't appear to make me feel much better but who knows how I would have felt without it. I always have the stuff on hand. I had a sudden episode of bowl movements (sorry is tmi). It was urgent and a bit soft but not loose. I had a slight temperature (38.2). The need for the loo wore off as quickly as it came on and although for sometime afterwards I felt I needed to go, I couldn't when I got there.

    My stomach felt like was full of water (I mean like I had drunk a lot of water not that I could feel it moving) but eventually I got to sleep at 4am (I do not like to let myself sleep when I feel bad). I woke up feeling a lot better but the bottom of my mouth felt a bit weird like ticklish or something and I was having stabbing pains in my bowls (but no need to you the loo and no gas). I went back to bed and slept until 2pm when I got up feeling fine. I thought I would try some food so I took a motillium to prepare my stomach with a few sips of water but even this was enough to bring all the horrible feelings right back.

    It has so far been a day with no actual v-ing but what I want to know is after how long should I be able to comfortably say that even if I still feel bad, if it was going to make it happen it would have by now and stop worrying so much?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: After how much nausea is it probably safe to say this one is not going to come to

    Welcome! I'm so glad that you joined!

    I'm so sorry that you're not feeling well. To me it sounds like you have a stomach virus but you are handling it amazing! In all the SV I've seen, if you haven't done the dreaded V yet, you're more than likely in the clear. Just rest your stomach by not eating until your body says it's hungry (trust me, it will let you know, lol) and just rest today. It sounds like you're coming to the end of it and you did great!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: After how much nausea is it probably safe to say this one is not going to come to

    That's exactly how I felt when my gallbladder went screwy! I never did v* with it though. Any fever or anything?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: After how much nausea is it probably safe to say this one is not going to come to

    Thanks for the replies. So far still so good, i.e. no v. I ended up at yhe hospital last night. I hate those places so do not want to go and potentially breath in some germs but I am also a wimp when it comes to nausea and the latter won. The doctor couldn't really do anything, as I expected really, she just tested my urine for infection, found none and sent me home with gravol, hyoscine methobromide and a liquid antacid. Took the gravol and felt pretty good after 15 mins but not 'cured'. Had to eat in order to take the hyoscine methobromide this morning so I had oatmeal and have actually managed to drink a fair bit of water today (compared to the 250ml I managed yesterday). I still do not feel 100% but I do see an improvement (to what extent this is the effect of the drugs or how much it is just easing off I do not know). As for handling it well. I'm sot so sure. I just sort of live the life of an emetophobe so over the years have developed a rather matter of fact approach to my panick attacks.

    jpasrons93 - Could you tell me a little more? My grandfather had gallstone and my mother has had several episodes of kidney stones so these are always a potential problem in our family. I have had a lot of indigestion over the past few months, often with nausea or pain in the upper and or lower abdomen. I previously have not connected these with recent events but I am currious by what you say. I recorded my own max temp as 38.2 but the hospital told me it was 36.6 when I checked in so I don't know if my thermometer was accurate or not now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: After how much nausea is it probably safe to say this one is not going to come to

    Hi DoctorWhoFan,

    I've had similar this week (starting last Thursday) and still not feeling 100%. Like you, I took domperidone/motilium and although I had grose liquid d* and stomach cramps I didn't v*.
    I think we've both had some sort of infection, not sure what though! Did anyone else that you live with catch what you had? none of mine did!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: After how much nausea is it probably safe to say this one is not going to come to

    Quote Originally Posted by emet-ana View Post
    Hi DoctorWhoFan,

    I've had similar this week (starting last Thursday) and still not feeling 100%. Like you, I took domperidone/motilium and although I had grose liquid d* and stomach cramps I didn't v*.
    I think we've both had some sort of infection, not sure what though! Did anyone else that you live with catch what you had? none of mine did!
    Where are you based? I know these things can be international though. No one else had it around me either as far as I know. My boyfriend had shared a drinks bottle the day I started to fill ill and he did not get anything, although thereafter I tried to protect him by not touching him etc just in case. Mine went away almost for two days and then came back, though milder than before. It lasted a further two days and now I am just left with a feeling like indigestion. I never did v* but I was very worried at times. It was certainly a rough few days and, like you, I am not totally out of the woods even now. I hope you recover soon.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: After how much nausea is it probably safe to say this one is not going to come to

    Mostly I had tons of heartburn and indigestion. Then the nausea and intense pain came in. A lot of times it felt like I drank a ton of water really fast. Kidney stones will make you feel like you're dying!



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