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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Wisdom tooth/teeth removal

    So for the past few days, my bottom left wisdom tooth has been coming in. For 2 days, it has felt very swollen in the gums surrounding my cheek. I'm worried about an infection! Has anyone had this happen to them?

    I know I should go to the dentist to have it checked, but I also know they're just going to tell me to have them all removed. I've heard terrible stories about people v*ing and being sick to their stomach for a while after the surgery and I'm so scared!

    So I guess my questions are - Do you know of any way to get the infection to die down on its own? Or, is it not an infection and just irritation from the tooth tearing the gums? Should I wait a few more days before seeing a dentist? AND, how can I avoid v* when I have them taken out?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Re: Wisdom tooth/teeth removal

    It's very easy for a wisdom tooth to get infected. They are so far back and usually situated awkwardly in your mouth. Do not delay in getting to the dentist ASAP! If you have an infection, ts doubtful that it will go away without proper treatment and an abscess in your mouth can be very serious and could lead to more serious complications. Don't let emet prevent you from getting this taken care of immediately! I had an abscess a couple of moths ago and I took my meds and did not v. I won't lie-they did upset my stomach a bit but I have a very bad stomach to begin with. Plus I made the mistake of reading on the Internet all the user horror stories associated with my medicine :/
    Regarding getting them taken out, I had all 4 of mine removed just by shots of novacaine (not all at the same time) because I flat out refused to be put under. My daughter just had all 4 of hers removed a week ago today. She did not v from the surgery, but did v once on Saturday. Her surgeon prescribed her percoset and it's known to cause v with it. He also gave her Zofran (at my urging) but she'd taken a couple pain pills with no stomach upset so I wasn't very diligent about making her take it. Long story short, she got sick Saturday night but just once. I'm not surprised that it happened cause she does v easily, I was more scared because I'd been expecting it sooner so I was afraid something else was wrong.
    Please go see your dentist as soon as you can-tooth infections are nothing to be ignored! I know it's scary but you can do it!
    “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
    ― John Milton, Paradise Lost

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Wisdom tooth/teeth removal

    Wisdom teeth are notorious for pain when they are coming thru doesnt always mean its infected though they are very big deep rooted teeth, so the pain can just be from them moving...... Ouch. I would suggest going to your dentist so they can at least x ray it they will be able to see how its growing and how likely it is you would need it out. As long a its growing the correct way and your not getting constant infections it wont get removed. I had mine removed under general anaesthetic because it was impacted so they had no way of just pulling it out (i only had one wisdom tooth i had 2 a few years prior according to an xray but it just disappeared). I was very sore after it but i didnt v or feel ill. I think your more likely to v if you have gas to knock you out. I got an infection after having mine out and i was on two sets of antibiotics and 3 different painkillers. I didnt feel n at all. If you need them out its best to get it done because he agony of constant infections is not worth it



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