Not for emet reasons, but my psychiatrist is upping my Zoloft due to my generalized anxiety.

Apparently I also suffer from social anxiety, which I found odd, but it also makes sense. I love people but I hate being the center of attention, public speaking, etc. Loathe it. It turns out, my anxiety is way worse than I thought. Having anxiety doesn't mean only suffering frequent panic attacks, etc.

Anyway, he's upping my dose from 75mg to 100mg. I'm slightly worried, only because I always suffer terrible side effects for the first 1-2 days, and I'll be at school. Finals start on Wednesday.

I just took my 100mg. I all but begged my mom to let me stay off tomorrow, because thankfully we're not learning anything new in our classes, mainly studying for finals, but of course she said no.

I'm hoping it'll help with my anxiety (and mild depression), and also trying to keep faith that it won't make me feel as bad as I'm expecting. I have my ginger on handy though.