Thank you so much for your replies. I am beginning to look up psychiatrists/psychologists to see because lately I've been getting worse. Tight chest & throat is a new symptom because of my anxiety. & Also having a hard time leaving my house. Hopefully I do find one that listens & understands & hopefully it doesn't take me to switch Drs a million times for a good one. @jmoore10, I try to imagine the good of places I go where I must fly on planes. On the way to the Philippines I tried to keep my grandmother & family in mind & that I won't be able to see them in a long time. It's tough & I despise flying, but you're right...focusing on something important or something you love helps. It's just getting to the airport & getting on the plane that freaks me out most. Once I'm on I'm usually okay but very aware of every single bump & turbulance. I'm kind jealous of the people who are just relaxed & even reading while the turbulance is reallly bad. I'm over here trying to breathe & holding on to dear life! (haha) @chixy We are so young to be feeling this way but I've had this phobia for as long as I can remember. Going out with friends is hard for me as well. I wasn't as bad before & I was able to enjoy my life. Now something as simple as going to a dinner gives me anxiety & my body almost forces me to stay home. It's debilitating. I hope I can learn how to cope with this soon. Good luck to you both!