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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Okay so today I went to a surprise party for my friend's 18th birthday.
    However, she has six brothers and sisters and all but one are younger
    than her so it had a really young theme. It was sponge bob cake and
    decorations. Three of her brothers and sisters were under 10 and her
    little brother had a friend over who was also that age so I did plenty
    of helping out with little kids today, which is unusual for me because
    I only have one sibling and he's 16.

    One of her sisters also mentioned several times that she threw up the
    day before. I did watch her like a hawk and make sure she didn't touch
    anything I planned to eat but I didn't leave the party. I skipped lunch
    but I did have cake.

    Afterward her and I and our friends who were there went out to play
    mini golf and then we went to the movies and then to dinner. I
    volunteered to drive everyone since I was the only one who had their
    car there and was allowed to have passengers. So I drove these peope
    all around knowing that I'd have to drop them off at her house before I
    went to my own even if it was an "emergency". At the end of the night I
    even ate chicken fried rice at the chinese restaurant.

    When I got home I figured I'd earned an emet indulgence. For the past
    few days I've felt mildy sick, like with a cold and my ears have been
    hurting and felt full. So I made my dad look at them with the otoscope
    and he said there was some and I quote "crap" behind the ear drum. I
    asked him if he thought it was mucus or pus and he just said he didn't
    know because they look alike. Anyway the point is that I'm worried I
    have an ear infection because whenever I had one as a kid I always v*ed
    a lot. It may just be a cold but I don't have any nasal congestion so
    that's why I'm not convinced it is. My throat has been a little sore
    but not as much as I usually get with a cold. The worst part is that I
    can't do anything until I actually have an ear infection and I'm afraid
    that by then it will be too late to avoid v*ing.

    So today has been a good one in which I really fought this phobia well
    but it's also bad because I'm scared now. I'm scared about my ears. I'm
    a little scared about the one sister because what if she had a sv
    instead of just ya know childhood stomach problems. I'm also worried
    because I'm so tired, I have a little headache, and my legs hurt.
    Although I know that those last three are probably just the effects of
    the day because I arrived for the party at 11 this morning and got home
    at 9:30 tonight.

    Anyway, I'm rambling now. What do you guys think? Am I losing my mind?

    Edited by: chicajojobe

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I think you did great today!

    As far as the ear infection is concerned, just because you v*d as a kid doesn't mean you will now. It still may not even be an ear infection. If you are that concerned about it, go to the doctor. If they suspect it might be an infection, they may put you on antibiotics anyway and then it would clear it up before it even starts.

    I'm sure you will be fine. And again, great job today! Especially with the little girl that was sick. I'm sure most of us (myself included) would not have been so brave to stay all day and eat!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Hmm...well I have a doctor's appointment on the 13th. It's with my
    endocrinologist so I guess this isn't going to be her area of expertise
    but I could always just ask her to look at them. If they look bad she
    may put me on antibiotics.
    Edited by: chicajojobe



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