For example, (Im feeling ok to assume this would not happen anyway because I dont eat indian food, so replace this with whatever you think would be impossible for you in your own example)

Basically, do you think if you contracted fp* from (indian food) which (I theoretically ate for the purposes of this), would you cope and be ok? I can honestly say, I think I'd cope and be ok!

Maybe this helps me figure myself out because the only one thing that would bother me if I was to v* with that made up situation that won't happen anyway (I dont eat indian food either) would be, would I have to v* in my house in front of people? well, where people could hear and knew I had fp*. I wouldn't deal with people knowing. I know I'd want to hide it/keep it secret. So that's it for me, and it's interchangeable with anything that may cause v*. what is it that youd fear for you if the made up situation happened?

Just using the example of fp from an way that you could not even get it anyway so it doesnt make anyones emet worse because its just made up and its just an example, Im not sure if this will be helpful or rubbish but ive tried lol