That would be horrible. Truly a nightmare. I would hope I would do something to cope-- take an anxiety pill & maybe even a Phenergan to knock myself out & listen to music on my headphones (wouldn't want it to be my favorite music, though, in case I had a negative association with it after that, lol). I fear, though, that I may not act as calmly as I envision in my mind. Once I was on a boat (a sunset catamaran cruise-- nothing like 14 hrs!), and TONS of people were v. Even though I knew they were not contagious and were only seasick, I panicked like no other. I went crazy and threatened to jump off the boat!! Even though there was a strict "no smoking policy," the captain knew I was serious and let me smoke a cigarette lol. Not one of my prouder moments. Thank goodness for Xanax at that time!