hello everyone,
i've just found this website and i'm glad i did. i'm 15 years old and have been dealing with the fear of v* since i was about 10 years old. I was doing research today and i am pretty sure i have emetophobia as i can relate to the symptoms. The fear of being ill in class is physically stopping me from going to school and i am missing out on a lot of work and tests that are important. My fear of v* is also stopping me from travelling, eating food, going out with friends and making me depressed all the time. My old therapist i used to go to when i was younger tried some CBT on me but that never really worked... I felt like she didn't really understand me... maybe she hadn't had a client with emetophobia? i'm not sure. Anyway, i was just wondering if anyone had any advice they could give to help me. Should i go back to therapy or should i try something else?
Thank you