Quote Originally Posted by Dairyfreelife View Post
I'm confused by this thread. The OP posts this in a public thread and is now mad when someone disagrees? SVS, based on other threads, has had a lot of issues dealing with people who disagree with her/him. Saying that what someone says isn't true is not being pretentious or 2-faced. It seems that the OP is frustrated that people are giving opposing opinions and now wants this thread to just go away. What evidence is there that vomiting is an evolved human response? AnaB posted how it's probably not, but I haven't seen a peer-reviewed scientific link to how vomiting is something that came over time in humans. On the contrary, advancement of species probably gave way for vomiting as a necessary precaution when more complex digestive systems evolved.
That's exactly what I think. When you post something on a public forum, you have to be prepared for people to call you out if you post misinformation. You can't just tell people that they should ignore it because you've posted it publicly.

The thread is counterproductive because it perpetuates the notion that is widely subscribed to on here that vomiting is somehow wrong or unnatural, and it is something that our bodies do to work against us. It's not. it's part of being human. It's a weird, unpleasant part of being human, yes, but it's something that sometimes, we have to do to survive, and that's more important than a stupid fear!