I have a couple of thoughts, first, I can't honestly say that I have a healthy attitude about vomiting as I still do everything in my power to prevent it, but I would rather vomit than die, that's for sure. In most cases vomiting is a secondary response but in some cases it might save your life, for example the ingestion of a chemical poison, although as the OP correctly pointed out, we're likely to be careful enough to avoid those situations almost entirely, but there is always that chance, so I guess I'm glad that the ability isn't going anywhere. As to the original topic, I feel like I gave up enough already in my quest not to vomit, especially in my younger years that I don't think I'd be willing to give up anything else I care about to get rid of that ability. Lastly I know one of the two "fascists" from this thread in person (JadeNight) and she is a good friend, a very compassionate person who has helped me through some difficult times, in spite of my still rather unhealthy attitude about vomiting.