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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Pregnant – getting closer to delivery and feeling petrified

    Hello. I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my first child. I've dealt with Emet for as long as I can remember and it got much worse once I got pregnant along with my depression and anxiety. As the time gets closer to me going into labor I am getting more and more scared. I'm scared I'll vomit due to being in labor (mainly during the transition phase), due to the pain, due to my blood pressure dropping after I get my epidural, or due to any of the medications they may give me (including the epidural). I talked to my OB last visit about medications during labor and he reassured me that I can defiantly get anti-nausea medication around the clock while I'm in labor but unfortunately I will not be able to get anything for anxiety because it wouldn't be good for the baby. I'm convinced that even though I'll be getting anti-nausea medication around the clock I'll still feel nauseous and vomit. Either because the medication won't be strong enough, the nurses won't keep up with it and I won't really get it around the clock, or the medication simply won't work. Also, since I've been pregnant I get anxiety out of the blue (or sometimes triggered by things) and the anxiety causes nausea but since the nausea is anxiety based anti-nausea medication doesn't take the anxiety or nausea away, only anti-anxiety medications take the nausea and anxiety away. So since I won't be able to have any anti-anxiety medication I'm convinced anxiety will cause me to become nauseous and vomit. I'm becoming very scared of the pain on top of the nausea and vomiting. I have already decided to get an epidural but I'm convinced the epidural will not take, only take in areas, or only take on one side of my body. My OB has also said that epidurals take away the pain of contractions, not the pain of pushing. I already don't feel it's physically possible for me to push this baby out but I also don't think I'll be able to handle the sheer pain of pushing and this is going to cause me to vomit.

    I have fears of possibly needed a c-section as well. I know the medications given during a c-section causes nausea and vomiting and I'm convinced even if I get anti-nausea medication I will have nausea and vomit during the c-section.

    I dread waking up each day because I know I'll be experiencing anxiety all day about what's to come. I have this child inside me I love so very much already but I physically, mentally, and emotionally do not feel capable doing any of the things involved with bringing her into this world.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    New Jersey

    Default Re: Pregnant – getting closer to delivery and feeling petrified

    Rachel, I have twins who were born via C-Section. The contractions were uncomfortable, and the stitching was uncomfortable, but I did not feel sick to my stomach. Also, with this all going on, you won't have time to be anxious. When I was in the hospital in labor, there were 7 other woman in other rooms. There was NO SCREAMING or puking... sure we were feeling top notch, but it really wasn't bad.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Durham, NC

    Default Re: Pregnant – getting closer to delivery and feeling petrified

    Hey Rachel,
    I was so terrified before I had my daughter last year! I am in the same boat where anti-nausea medicine doesn't really work for me because almost all of my nausea is anxiety related. I do have some encouragement for you though! I had my daughter without an epidural and without around the clock nausea medication and I did not throw up! I will say that during transition there were a few times where I thought, "wow I am glad I didn't eat because I would probably throw up right now"! But the thing about labor is that you are SO focused on what is happening that you really almost don't have time to worry about getting sick! I worried so much and had a plan for how I was going to avoid nausea/vomiting during labor and was so surprised to find out that during labor I really didn't care AT ALL! That is the only time in my life that I could say that! One thing I did that you may want to try, the second I knew I was in labor I took a zofran. I wasn't feeling bad at the time but I wanted to take one just to put my mind at ease! Maybe you could do something like that, just remember that once that baby comes out it is all over. You will feel so wonderful and happy that you made it through pregnancy and labor! Just out of curiousity, did you have trouble with morning sickness? I had some queasy mornings with my pregnancy but I often wonder if it was all related to anxiety! I am terrified to get pregnant again as I am worried that the next pregnancy could be worse, but I would go through labor 100 more times in a heartbeat if I could avoid the first trimester!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: Pregnant – getting closer to delivery and feeling petrified

    with my first, i actually wanted to eat and never got a drop of antinausea med. the epidural did take well with her.
    with my second, there were a couple of times i got nauseous, and i told the nurse and had meds in my iv almost instantly. the epidural did not work with him, but i still did not get sick. you will be very focused on labor at that point. it is very normal to be nervous. you can do it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Pregnant – getting closer to delivery and feeling petrified

    twinmom73 - I have this picture in my head I'll be surrounded by other women in labor who are screaming and vomiting. You made me realize this is pretty unlikely. Thank you.

    KatieMills- The fact that you suffer from anxiety induced nausea and you didn't vomit eased my mind. I don't plan on eating anything once I think I'm in labor, just drink water, so it decreases my chances of vomiting. I think I will take a Zofran once I think I'm in labor...that probably will help a bit. I didn't suffer with actual morning sickness that much I'd feel queasy and "off"...the problem I had was I was so anxious about vomiting I stopped eating and drinking almost completely for about a month. I vomited once in my first trimester but I'm pretty sure it's because I took my prenatal vitamins without eating something first. There's a new drug called Diclegis that they're saying helps women get through the morning sickness of pregnancy, if you'd like to get pregnant again maybe talk to your doctor about that?

    TryingToBeBrave- It's encouraging the epidural didn't make you feel sick...but I have a question a few questions if you don't mind. With your first when the epidural took well, even when you were at the pushing stage, the pain of pushing didn't cause you to feel nauseous? And with your second, do you think you felt nauseous because of pain due to the epidural not taking well?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Durham, NC

    Default Re: Pregnant – getting closer to delivery and feeling petrified

    So excited to hear about Diclegis, thanks!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    New Jersey

    Default Re: Pregnant – getting closer to delivery and feeling petrified

    Rachel- Most hospital birthing centers, you will be in a room by yourself. When I was in, the nurse told me all 8 rooms were full. It was very quiet. Woman were not screaming or puking or acting insane. Matter of fact, I remember hearing one woman call out "Excuse me, but I think I am ready to push" and she said it in a way that you would think she was asking for a glass of water. After the c section, I felt a little queasy, but that is because I was eating the entire time right up to the surgery. They told me not to, but I had my hubby sneak food into me cause I was hungry. I did not vomit though, it didn't get that bad. The epidural was nothing, a tiny prick and that's it. I did all this without antinausea meds btw.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hove, UK

    Default Re: Pregnant – getting closer to delivery and feeling petrified

    Hi Rachel, I work on a labour ward and can assure you it's not all screaming and vomiting! most of the time, it's serene and quiet and you wouldn't even know there were labouring women behind closed doors. I have worked with scores of women and have never known anyone to vomit due to a BP drop following epidural administration. For a c-section, anti-emetics are given as standard as the spinal is an opiate. Ask for an anti-emetic, it'll sort you out and keep the nausea at bay.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Pregnant – getting closer to delivery and feeling petrified

    Hello, I know it's hard not to worry but you are going into overdrive here! Take one thing at a time... I had two kids and thankfully never got sick either time. I did have Compazine for the first one and reglan for the second one during labor. And yes, I did get very nauseous after the epidural the first time because of my BP. But the nurse came right in and gave me a shot of Compazine and I was fine. The second time I told them what happened and it didn't happen that time.
    As far as the epidural "taking" or not, make sure after they give it to you that you lay flat for a while. I turned on my side too soon and my other side didn't "take" as well and they had to top it off because I was in pain. The epidural is kind of freaky...not sure if needles bother you but it's just a prick of the anesthetic and then a lot of pushing or pressure. Then you will NOT feel your bottom half of your body!! Weird. The nurses are usually really good and will try to make you as comfortable as possible. The anti-emetics will cover you for nausea, whether it's from anxiety or not. It will be better than all that you're thinking, really. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Pregnant – getting closer to delivery and feeling petrified

    I didn't get sick during labor, in fact I was really hungry the whole time. The second time, I had a scheduled c-section, so it was much easier. Unfortunately, I did hear a lot of screaming and dramatics the first time. However, that was a university hospital. The second time around, even though they kept me in the same room the whole time I was there, I didn't hear a thing outside the air system. Once in awhile, I heard family members talking in the halls, but that was it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: Pregnant – getting closer to delivery and feeling petrified

    I have two kids and did not even feel the slightest bit nauseous while in labor, either time. I did actually experience a significant drop in blood pressure with both epidurals, though--I had no idea that was a real thing, I just figured it was something weird with my body and how I react to the anesthesia. I did not feel nauseous then either though--mainly just very lightheaded and dizzy. Not to mention--the nurses were back in my room within seconds both times, and they did something (slowed down the epidural? gave me another medication? I have no idea) that made my blood pressure stabilize again within a couple of minutes.

    I know loads of women who got epidurals and only one whose epi did not take. I think for most people, it works--which is why so many women opt to get them. Do you know if your mom had an epidural, and did it work for her? If it did, it's probably a good indication that it will work for you too.

    Once the epidural is in--you will feel fine. I promise. I napped, with both kids, from about 4 cm till it was time to push. Not even kidding. And pushing with an epidural does NOT hurt. It feels like pressure, that's all.

    I was starving immediately after birth, too. I remember downing a huge plate of food both times. I was fine. You probably won't feel much like eating when labor starts, so just go easy--crackers, water, toast--and then eat heavily after baby has arrived.

    Try not to worry! And congratulations!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Pregnant – getting closer to delivery and feeling petrified

    Thank you everyone for all your replies and stories. They've really encouraged me and every time anxiety about labor and delivery creeps into my thoughts I'm just going to remember what you guys have shared. Thanks again!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Pregnant – getting closer to delivery and feeling petrified

    Oh, mamacat, my mom had c-sections with both me and my brother so I don't really have her experiences to go off of. But your story was greatly encouraging, thank you.



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