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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default I just can't do this right now!

    Not really a panic post since I've been feeling this way since yesterday morning. I woke up feeling not myself/like you generally do with a cold or a bug, but I haven't got a cold.. I feel tired, stomach aches, drowsy, grotty, generally just really rubbish and not myself at all. It's scaring the heck out of me now because I really don't want it to lead to throwing up. I've also been getting cold flashes and I'm not hungry. Not nauseous, but not hungry either. I don't want this to get worse. Has anyone had it before? What could it be? Did it go away on its own or did it make you v*? I don't know what to do
    All posts appreciated. Makes me feel less alone x)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Dunedin, NZ

    Default Re: I just can't do this right now!

    Hey there, I sincerely believe you'll be just fine. Every Sv (including d*} that we've experienced (in a family of 6 thats many) manifests
    itself within 1-12 hours after first symptoms appear. Hope you're feeling better soon. X

  3. #3

    Default Re: I just can't do this right now!

    If you have been feeling this way since yesterday, then ur most likely okay! Stomach viruses come on pretty fast and I think that if u were going to v* then you would have by now. You could also be feeling this way from a number of things. It could just be stress and anxiety, you could be coming down with a different kind of virus, u could be dehydrated. A lot of possibilities! Just rest, drink water and watch movies! If u can eat, try to! And try not to think about how ur not hungry because u could be causing urself to not be hungry, even though maybe ur body is hungry. Just relax! People without emetopphobia probably wouldnt even notice the symptoms ur describing, us emetophobes r just really aware of everything going on and it can often cause anciety and make everything worse, even though maybw ur just having an off day. try not to make too much of it. U will be okay!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: I just can't do this right now!

    Thank you two so much xx I ate dinner and went for a walk, just a bit tired and achey. Wondering if it's a cold without respiratory symptoms or something. I drink loads so it's probably not dehydration, and yeah, I don't think I'd have made it 2 days without v*ing if I was going to now! Thanks for the support, helps a lot x



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