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Thread: Help :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Help :(

    So, i've been doing so well keeping my emetophobia under control, my sister just came back from a school trip saying one of the girls was throwing up all the time, it panicked me but she said it was over a sore throat and that's what the nurse told them, so i already had a bit of a anxious moment with that..

    I'm just getting ready for a job interview and mum's just told me she's been up all night with really bad stomach ache and then come back and said she's now got bad d*.. obviously with me stressing over a job interview, and now this, well it's just made me so so anxious, i'm so worried it's a stomach bug because she works in a school, but she's really careful with cleaning her hands... she said she feels a bit n* and crap, but she's not v* yet, touch wood she wont

    She does have a hernia, i think it's in her stomach, she gets a lot of stomach ache with this, so do you think it could have anything to do with that? I just don't have time to be poorly, if it's just d* i can handle that, but if it ends up with v* as well, i can't deal with it after last time i don't think i can go through it again.

    Some reassurance would be great, thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Help :(

    I'm sure the nurse who was helping the girls from the trip knows what she's talking about. It sounds like it may have been strep, which for some causes v*. Doesn't sound like it was a sv* nor has anything to do with you. You weren't around the girl and your sister is apparently fine. As for your mom, if she was up all night with the pains, the v*ing would have already happened. Sounds like she's either dealing with IBS or ate something that didn't agree with her. It could also be hormonal or having to do with her hernia. Worse case scenario, it's a VERY mild but. You said yourself that she's good about washing, so you have NOTHING to worry about. Have a great interview, you're going to be great!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Help :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
    I'm sure the nurse who was helping the girls from the trip knows what she's talking about. It sounds like it may have been strep, which for some causes v*. Doesn't sound like it was a sv* nor has anything to do with you. You weren't around the girl and your sister is apparently fine. As for your mom, if she was up all night with the pains, the v*ing would have already happened. Sounds like she's either dealing with IBS or ate something that didn't agree with her. It could also be hormonal or having to do with her hernia. Worse case scenario, it's a VERY mild but. You said yourself that she's good about washing, so you have NOTHING to worry about. Have a great interview, you're going to be great!
    Thanks for your reply, I guess you're right..

    My mum said she's eaten some toast whilst I was out and has so far kept it down, she said the d* started at 5am and she hasn't had any for a couple hours and it's now nearly 4pm, she keeps calling it a tummy bug which isn't helping, I'm just worried she might have a weird bug that starts off with just d* then the v* will come on later and thanks for the good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Help :(

    If it's been nearly 12 hours there's NO WAY that she's going to start v*ng. Sounds like whatever it was is over and done with. No matter what she's calling it, it's not that big of a deal. Remember that she was never that bad off and more importantly, she washes her hands well. You are going to be FINE! Keep your hands washed, if you feel the need scrub down the bathroom, but really, truly, you are going to be A-OK! No more worrying!



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