Karen, I've just replied to your post about this on another thread. But regards those horrible cardboard thingymajigs they have to v* into at hospital - they put the bejabbers up me too! When I visit somebody in hospital I scour the ward for those cardboard recepticles and then worry they are going to be used whilst I'm visiting! The worst is when the person you are actually visiting has one right at the side of them!

I worry about ifI ever have to go into hospital, as we get putin rooms with at least anotherfive people in - I would be in a constant state of panic wondering whether somebody was gonna throw upor, horror of horrors, I had to v* with all those people able to hear and see me. I've even thought about getting health insurance so I can go private and have a room on my own, as the trauma of being stuck with anyone v*ing and not be able to escape would traumatise me.
