Yesterday, I said it..."The kids have been really healthy lately". I doomed us. About midnight last night, I was heading to bed and I saw the bathroom light on. The hubby was still sitting on the couch, so I thought it was one of the kids getting up to pee. I waited a few and no one came out, So I went up to the door and started to knock when I heard my daughter crying. I went in and she was sitting there shaking all over, tears streaming down her face. She said "I can't stop shaking and I have d* and when I lay down food keeps coming up into my throat." Ugh. The words none of us want to hear! So, I went in and sat with her and gave her a garbage can. She ended up having d* about 3 times, but never did v. I sat with her for hours until she calmed down and felt like she could lay down again. She woke up this morning totally fine. Then, the neighbor told us his daughter was home from school yesterday v'ing. I guess it's in their school then. we go.