Kind of freaking out. I started getting a cold/sore throat on Wednesday evening and stayed home Thursday and today I've felt basically fine. The cold never got to the stuffy nose phase even. I've been eating normally and everything although I do have that weird "sick" taste/smell in my mouth/nose...I dunno how to explain it, but usually it comes on the tail end of a cold/flu. Which is weird, cause I was sick for like, two days.

But anyway, my food's all tasted fine but then for dinner my dad made homemade pizza (homemade crust too) and it just tasted...weird. The crust tasted like it had too much baking soda in it or something. It was gross! And he put these vegan sausages on mine, which also didn't taste like they usually do. They might be kind of old, because I'm pretty sure the package has been sitting opened in the fridge for like a month, but I mean it's like bits of vegetables and wheat gluten, I didn't think they could really go bad!

I'm freaking out! This is how I felt the last time I got a sv, like some of my food tasted fine and then some tasted "off". I don't think it's the food itself since my dad's eating the same thing and he says it tastes normal. I dunno if it could be because of this "cold" thing, my mouth still tastes super weird and my nose keeps smelling things weird. But I don't know! I'm going to be out for the whole day tomorrow in a different city and I really really can't get sick now!