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Thread: Sick friend

  1. #1

    Default Sick friend

    This morning, a friend in one of my classes mentioned that she had a headache and was feeling a little nauseated. I didn't think much of it, because she and I ate breakfast together, and she seemed completely fine. Tonight, I was with her again, and this time she barely ate anything and then said that she was feeling sick. When I asked what she meant, she said that her throat had been hurting, she had developed a deep cough, and she had been feeling "pukey" since last night. What if she's contagious? Could that be the flu? Could I have caught whatever it is? We spent a few hours together, and we shared a basket of chips, although she didn't eat much. I should learn never to share food!
    Any advice or thoughts? I'm nervous about this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Sick friend

    The flu comes on fast, it doesn't work gradually. Sounds like a cold or infection of some sort, from what I understand a sv* would have made her get sick or have d* by now. Colds can give a lack of appetite and if you go too long without eating it can make your belly feel uneasy. She could just be hungry but not wanting to eat. If you feel okay right now (assuming its been about 24 hours now) you're probably in the clear. If you're really worried you should probably keep away for a couple days until you know what she has for sure and if nothing changes for you in another 24 hours your odds of having caught anything are slim to none.



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