Ok, last night I ate some In N' Out (a burger joint in Cali) and I got about half way thru when I felt sick. VERY SICK....well, within a minute I had to run to the bathroom and ended up v* 8 times in a row. Yea yea, I know, "OMg Rich That sucks!!"..But here's the weird part. I had no anxiety what so ever. Before , during, or after. None existed. I felt un-easy for awhile, but no anxiety.I was more pissed than anything, hell I payed 6 bucks for that meal, only to toss it all up. So I'm wondering, am I really an emet? I mean, I share tons of the same characteristics that come with it. But when it comes to actually V*, it's like there is no anxiety involved. I get more anxious thinking about it than doing it..iono. I still consider myself an emet, just a backwards, redneck, type of emet lol..I don't know..what do you guys think?