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  1. #1

    Post Help people, I'm panicking D:

    Hey I'm Audrey, from France. Since yesterday evening, I have had gastroenteritis, but not a huge serious one : it started with abdominal pain, but in the gut, and not in the stomach. However, tonight, my stomach also feels weird, so I am scared of being sick :S I took two anti-emetic pills, but I'm still terrified, like I almost started a panic attack 10 minutes ago. I don't know if the wierd thing I feel in the stomach is caused by an upcoming sickness or by the fact that my stomach is almost empty (except for tea and some biscuits I ate 1 or 2 hours ago). Also, I'm afraid that my current state of anxiety would worsen the sickness I anticipate. I wasn't so scared half an hour ago, cause I was watching a TV show on my computer, and I was distracted and stuff, so should I get on with it ?
    Oh, by the way, I also have PMS, and usually it causes me nausea (even though I never throw up) and makes me feel more emotional and all, I think that it has an influence on my current condition, right ?
    Last but not least, I'm always scared, whenever my tummy aches, that I might suffer from apendicitis and have to be operated on and everything :S it's irrational, but still...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Help people, I'm panicking D:

    PMS always makes me really nauseous! for a good 2 days. Its how I know my period is coming. I think it is that and a combo of too much acid from not enough food. I know you are in France, so hopefully the lingo matches - do you have any crackers (like ritz or saltines) or some toast? I also find that a dry cereal helps. cheerios or something plain. and try to sip some water and maybe add some peanut butter. it helps alot with the protein and salt. I bet that helps a ton.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Help people, I'm panicking D:

    I think I have some toast, yeah Thanks a lot, I'll try that ! I succeeded in going to sleep, and my period started, so you were right my belly still hurts, but I'm feeling calmer cause I know my girl problem has a big role to play in it. Thanks again !



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