The forum has its good points and bad points. There have been countless threads on this very topic and the board can be used in an unhealthy way or it can be used to move forward, its all in how your perspective and what you take from the other posters. Some are further along in recovery than others. Ive been around for 9 years (almost 10) and in that time my emet started out pretty bad, and has gradually gotten much better. At the worst of times I was on here looking for support and those who understood how I was feeling. It got me through some rough moments. Now that my emet is much better, I don't really visit (only because emet isn't on my mind) and when I do I post rarely.

avioding triggers related to emet (such as the board) would be considered part of avoidance. Avoidance just feeds into the fear and makes it stronger. After a while, you kind of learn which posts are helpful (such as coping with anxiety or talking to people who understand) and which posts are not helpful (reassurance posts).

I'm not saying I'm completely over emet, and I probably never will be. I have learned to manage the phobia so that I control it and not the other way around. A HUGE part of this was learning that I can reassure myself, and not to rely on others to tell me I'm ok. I still talk to myself when I'm feeling sick and people around me probably think I'm a bit crazy haha. I've also learned to deal with facts and not the "what ifs". I realized that in 80 years I want to have lived and not let my anxiety run my life. Life is too short for that!

bottom line - please don't aviod the board. I've learned a lot here. I've also learned a lot elsewhere(did my undergrad in Psych and Bio). This board should only be used as one part of the healing process.

to the op - I would definitely visit your doctor and see what's up. The other posters have offered some great suggestions but only a professional will be able to tell for sure.