And a third time in a row, I went to a family gathering and my grampa was sick. I found that out the second I arrived at his house 1 and a half hours away, and was stuck there for more than 7 hours. Now, he is quite elderly and has been through surgery and he's taking alot of meds for his many health issues, so I'm hoping that that was the reason for him getting sick. He got sick many times the night before, and was feeling very unwell today (it's Christmas day in Australia right now). On top of that, all my aunts and my mum both hugged and shook hands with him before preparing food... they washed their hands for a few seconds, but definitely not enough to get rid of any possible germs. I had to smile over and over for photos while feeling hopeless and panicky. I had to feel grateful for the gifts I received. As soon as I was alone, I cried and cried and couldn't stop friggen crying. I am just so fed up with this. Another 72 hour countdown has started.