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  1. #1

    Default Bf sick please help!

    Please help me! I am freaking out. I just picked my boyfriend up from a poker game and he was acting weird. I noticed he was sweating profusely even though its 30 degrees. He kept acting like he was about to throw up so I pulled over and got out of the car and ran from him. He said he didn't throw up, but I'm not sure I believe him. Luckily we were close to our apartment so we got back and I went inside and he stayed outside for a long time. He finally came in and said he was okay and didn't throw up. At first he told me he didn't drink because he knows I hate when he drinks. But then he said he took 4 shots tonight. I am hoping that is why he is sick. He swears he didn't throw up but I'm not sure if I believe him. I also don't know if he really drank or not, or if he's just saying that because I'm freaking out. I can't stop crying and panicking. He left the apartment and I have no clue where he is.
    Please help me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Bf sick please help!

    Ugh I hate it when boyfriends lie about how sick they are because they don't want us to freak out. 4 shots can make anyone super sweaty and look like they're about to hurl. I would definitely think that's the reason why he's acting so weird. I am so sorry you're going through this.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Bf sick please help!

    Thank you so much for the response. I appreciate it so much. I don't know what is going on. He used to be a big drinker until we got serious and I told him I didn't like it, so 4 shots is nothing for him. But he also hasn't drank like that in over year. He's been gone for 45 mins and keeps hanging up on me when I call and saying he'll be back in a second, everytime I call.
    I'm just scared to death it's the stomach flu. We share a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment together and spend most of our time with each other but for the exception of work school and friends. I'm so scared I'm already infected and don't know it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Bf sick please help!

    Ugh. Why won't he tell you what's going on? That would be infuriating. When you stop drinking your tolerance goes waaaaay down. So 4 shots might have been overdoing it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Bf sick please help!

    I guess he's trying not to worry me, but it is absolutely infuriating. I just wish I knew what was wrong so I can prepare for it. I'm so hurt he put me in this situation.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Bf sick please help!

    Exactly. How are you ever going to be able to trust someone if they aren't honest? And you NEED to know so you can mentally prepare for what is ahead.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Bf sick please help!

    For some reason my previous posts didn't post. I think he is done throwing up. He keeps telling me he never threw up. But I'm sure he did. He was asleep when I went to check on him and I woke him up because I was scared. He said he's just really dizzy. Could this be from the alcohol or is it probably a stomach virus? I'm so scared. I can't sleep.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Bf sick please help!

    Sounds like drinking to me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Bf sick please help!

    I think it's more than likely from drinking. I can't imagine he'd be out walking around if he had a SV. He probably didn't want to tell you because he was afraid how you would react or because he felt bad for putting you in the situation. At one point my bf probably would have reacted the same way but he's aware of my fear now and is a lot older so he doesn't really even drink anymore. If for some reason he was going to drink a lot, like a bachelor party or something, he stays the night at a friends or something.



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