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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Stomach pain after eating out and all alone at uni!


    Please could someone help? I'm really scared as I'm all on my own at uni and my emet gets worse when I'm here because if I did ever get ill, then I would be alone and wouldn't have my mum.

    A few hours ago, I went out to a cafe which was part of a quite big branch of home and garden stores. There was nothing else I really liked and so I decided to be brave and have a sausage baguette. I don't normally like eating meat unless I have prepared it myself, or it is at a restaurant I have been to before, but today I thought I would try and be brave and push myself a little.

    I wouldn't say I have felt completely okay for the last two days - my stomach hasn't felt bad but there has just been a niggle and in my mind, an increased worry. But about 30 minutes I got a quite sharp pain in my left-central abdomen, at belly button level. It has been on and off since, not getting any worse, and not excruciating pain but it is still there and quite a sharp feeling. I am automatically panicking that it was what I had for lunch, even though the meat was very hot but it had been re-heated rather than cooked fresh however.

    I am trying my hardest not to depend on Motilium and anti-emetics because I was getting too reliant on them with every pain and niggle and every time I felt "not-quite-right".

    Please can anyone give me some comfort? Does this sound like the starts of fp or something that is going to make me ill? I'm terrified, and even more so because I'm hours and hours away from home. I feel like I've left my vigilance slip a little recently, and so what if I've been caught off-guard?

    Please help!


  2. #2

    Default Re: Stomach pain after eating out and all alone at uni!

    Hi Jasmine, try to keep in mind that it's totally possible to give yourself a stomach ache just by worrying too much. The slight discomfort you're feeling could be (and in all likelihood is) nothing at all! Maybe try to be a little proud of yourself for going outside your comfort zone and eating at a cafe instead of letting your fear get the best of you? One thing I like to do if my stomach is a little off is drink very strong peppermint tea. It always helps and never makes things worse.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Stomach pain after eating out and all alone at uni!

    I don't have any peppermint tea unfortunately. I've made food but the thought of putting it in my mouth makes me feel like I'm going to be sick. I had to take a motillium because I am so scared. I'm not sure now if this is panic or actually me feeling ill. I'm so scared and it keeps coming in waves which makes me think it's anxiety but but they're isn't any nausea just feels like my throat is that and my stomach feels a little bloated. But I don't feel right and that's what is scaring me. I feel like this might be what it feels like to be ill.

    I can't even put the rest of it into words, I am so scared and haven't been this bad for a long time

    I don't want this to happen, I don't want to be sick.



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