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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default If anybody could help me I would be so very grateful.

    I've been sick since I was little, so this is nothing new. It went away for a few years and then just recently came back. I feel like its a bit worse this time. I've lost 25 pounds because I just cant eat anything. My hands are shaking, I feel dizzy. I just feel like my entire life is revolving around me not feeling well. It comes at random times and nothing helps get rid of it. It stays for several hours and then just eventually fades away. I don't know what to do. My little nephew is leaving with his mama, they're moving away and I'm pretty much never going to get to see him. But instead of being out there, during the going away party I'm sitting on my bed in my room and because I feel too sick and I can't do this anymore.

    I don't know what to do. I don't think I can live the rest of my life like this.

    If anybody has anything, for now suggestions, what you think might be wrong with me, what I should do about the not eating (should I see a doctor?). Whatever. I don't care. Anything.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: If anybody could help me I would be so very grateful.

    Oh sweet girl! I am so sorry that you are going through this. These feelings are common with anxiety. You are not alone! I've gone through the same thing at various times in my life. It sounds like you are going through a stressful situation right now which is why the feelings are there. Rather than trying to push them away, try to understand what your body is trying to tell you. Don't push the feelings down, making them worse. Tell your nephew's mom how sad you are to lose him and that you are fearful you'll never see him again. You may cry, but that's ok! Often a good cry will cause you to feel better. Goodbye does not have to be forever, I am sure that you can see him again if you want to! Make a plan with her about how you are going to keep in touch. Skype, letters, etc. Start saving now for a plane or train ticket to see him (depending on where he's going). I know it's so hard when your feelings feel like a mountain that you can't conquer. There are brighter days ahead, take it one step at a time!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: If anybody could help me I would be so very grateful.

    Hey hun,

    I am in the EXACT same boat as you so you are definitely NOT alone. Lately my life has seemed to be going in a downward spiral & I'm trying my hardest to not let myself fall any deeper than I am. I've had emetophobia since I was 5 years old. Starting from a horrible event in Kindergarten & realizing my growing phobia for every V* event after that horrid day. I try not to let it consume my life but it is extremely difficult. I've even changed my career path because of it. I am JUST like you. I never feel good. Every single second of every day I feel sick. Lately I haven't even been able to go to the store without feeling dizzy, faint, & shaky & having to rush back to the car filled with panic.

    I've been to the doctor numerous times & got tested for everything. I do have hormonal problems that may play a part, but I know for a fact it's my phobia & anxiety that is getting the best of me. I was hospitalized for a week a few months ago & eversince then I've been even worse. I'm tired of my family blaming me for always being sick when they have NO IDEA how debilitating life is to feel like this. I understand you completely. You need to try to eat at least crackers or a banana or even a protein shake such as Ensure to get something in your system or your body won't be able to fight anything off. I know it's hard, but try. I'm trying to get the courage to see a psychiatrist or psychologist about my anxiety but I can't seem to find the courage to go. Probably cause the fear that I'll feel sick even while I'm talking to them. I hopefully will give it a shot soon. Hopefully you will too.

    What I know about life is it isn't fair sometimes. If I can count how many times I've layed in bed & cried & prayed "why me?!"...The best thing I can think of is that there are people who have it worse than me in the world. Although I know I have it bad, the lives that are lost at such young ages with no control are the ones I think about. I think of the friends I've had who left this world before me, mainly from accidents, & I try to convince myself that "I am here for a reason". Yes, I have to fight a little harder, yes there will be days that I want to just give up, but there has to be a reason why I'm still here. I've been trying to find new hobbies that I enjoy doing such as baking, playing the piano, etc. Find something you love to do & do it often. It may help boost your self esteem because it's something you love doing. If you haven't found that yet, try different things. I know it's hard to pick yourself up, but we need to have faith in ourselves. I have a life quote on my closet that I sometimes don't feel like looking at, but this part of it has been helping me through..."Getting lost will help you find yourself" Like I said, right now I feel lost & don't know where I'm going...& that's why I'm trying to find hobbies that I truly enjoy doing. I hope I find that good part of "myself" soon.

    All I know is I can't let me being sick like this stop me from doing anything in my life. There will be bad days...A lot of them...but I know one day, hopefully soon, there will be good days. Hopefully one day I can walk away from all the negativity I'm experiencing at this moment, & inspire others that they can get through it like I did.

    Today was a bad day for me. Missed a big family outting at a restaurant once again...Sitting here at 4am sad about how I feel...But all I can do is have faith that things will get better...& I truly truly hope you can do the same. Feel better love!

    Message me if you need someone to talk to! <3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States

    Default Re: If anybody could help me I would be so very grateful.

    Very good and encouraging posts everyone! Yes, I have felt all these feelings before as well. I am now 43 and am just really realizing that anxiety, and this phobia, is something I will have to live with. As long as I can keep it under control (because as you can see it can spiral very quickly)...I do this through medication, therapy, and an understanding family. But I am a constant worrier and it gets really difficult and I get down on myself a lot. Life is hard, and I give anyone who is happy most of the time A LOT of credit.

    Definitely go to a therapist, get some meds, anything to make it easier to live with.

    And also check in with your doc, who will hopefully refer you to someone. Be honest with them!! I have lost a lot of weight in the past cuz of this and will always be underweight. Don't let that get to far as well. Sorry if I'm rambling, best of luck and keep us posted.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: If anybody could help me I would be so very grateful.

    It's been almost a year since I've posted this and am in a MUCH better place mentally. Today has been one of the roughest days as far as my physical sickness goes but I'm muddling through it. Largely due to help and positive thoughts Ive come across on this website. You all are such wonderful people and I can't think you enough for your kind words.



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