I'm a new member to this website because I feel that it can really reassure me. All of you people on this website have had to deal with someone with emetophobia or have emetophobia.
Anyway, I'm a sixteen year old girl who has been battling emetophobia for almost my entire life. I developed emetophobia after getting norovirus for the first time when I was about six or seven. It's taken me years to realize that I am not the only one with this crippling phobia and I'm tired of being judged for it. My mother is constantly telling me to calm down and saying that it's within my control and if I just stop thinking about it I won't freak out. She's always asking me "What do you think is going to happen if you throw up?". And I don't know why it just does. Even the idea of norovirus or gastroenteritis triggers panic attacks in me. Every time I eat something all I can think of is it might be the next thing I throw up, I wash my hands until they're raw, I refuse to even offer people a bite of my food, and I can't sit to close to anyone.
I know that the only way these things are by the transferal of d* or v* particles directly into the mouth, eyes or nose so I know that as long as I don't touch my face or don't get sneezed or coughed on then I'll be fine but I still seem to freak out.
No one really understands and it drives me insane because all I can think about everyday is the constant fear of facing my phobia and I sit in all of my classes, looking for people who are absent and asking around until I can ascertain whether or not they're sick.
Anyway, today I found out that there's this girl with whom I share mutual friends and she's home with a fever and v*. My mother is also an elementary school teacher who had a stomach bug last weekend and she is exposed daily to sick children.
This phobia is ruining my life and I really need reassurance from people who actually understand.