Came to bed a couple of hours ago. Felt absolutely fine until a few minutes after I fell asleep and awoke with a start feeling extremely n*. I tried to ignore it cos I was so tired but this pattern continued. I fall asleep for a minute or so then wake up cos another wave of n" sweeps over me. This has now been going on for nearly 3 hours. I also have a major headache together with some stomach ache. At this point I've given up trying to sleep and am trying to distract myself with some tv and coming on this site. I'm also hot then cold which is a bit weird cos its been so humid here for a couple of weeks I haven't been able to sleep with a duvet until tonight. To make matters worse I have to get up in under 4 hours to go to work. Not going in isn't an option - I have the key to open up the practice

Anyone have any advice or experienced anything like this and survived without the dreaded v* occurring?