I work in a very poorly paid job, i also dont get sick pay. If im ill i go in (unless i am actually having v* or d* and would need to be near a bathroom), if I have a day off sick i cant pay my rent or my uni fees. I actually do care about what i do (well i dont care about the job itself but i'll be moving on to a graduate job soon and i need a good reference so i always try my best).

a lot of the people where i work left school with no qualifications and this is the only job they could get. I dont mean to sound nasty but many of them are not very intellectual, but they are the only people thatw ill work for such terrible wages because they have no qualifications to get a better job. its the same in a lot of restaurants, often 16 year olds who dont care cos its just a saturday job, or people that dont have the intelligence to think about washing their hands, cross-contamination etc. From the people i have worked with in some cases its not that they don't care they just don't remember. Obviously there are some very good people who work in restaurants (my dad used to) but a lot unfortunately are not.

I believe the only way to improve standards in restaurants is to improve pay. I know that after getting myself into £16000 debt to complete my degree, i would not work full time in a £5 an hour job.