My boyfriend v* yesterday (Thursday) twice and slept all day. Today he has been fine, just says he's feeling a little light headed. We don't know if it is a bug that hes had or whether it was something he ate? But he had no other symptoms other than v* twice and dizziness, no d*.
I am supposed to be seeing him tomorrow (Saturday) and we are meant to be going out in the evening but I am so unsure about seeing him, even though it will have been 48+ hours since he v* when I see him?
He knows about my phobia and understands, but I just really don't want to catch anything!
How can I determine whether he had a bug or food poisoning?
ATM I'm just going with worst case scenario that he's had a bug!
I'm also unsure of when is safe for me to kiss him again!?
Please help!