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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default This fear is hell!

    I have been nausea all day. I have tried everything. I overdosed on zofran, I took ativan, I used essential oils, I sniffed alcohol. still nothing.. no relief. I just want to give up. I hate living like this. Right now my emetophobia is taking over my life I am at my worst again. Im not eating because im TERRIFIED I will throw up. When I do eat my mind wont stop about throwing up, food poisoning, stomach flu. I wont touch y face before washing my hands and than sanitizing them. The worst part is its about to get worse. I am out of zofran and my doctors wont give me anymore just because I have emetophobia it doesn't qualify me. I feel like this is now going to make it worse now that I dont have an emergency back up plan. I wont eat anything. I have two kids im student teaching and extremely stressed.. To answer questions I know people are going to ask.. I tried counseling with my insurance I can only see someone once every three weeks and that is in no way helpful for me. Its just gotten out of control :-(.. im loosing weight and my hairs falling out... Ive been fighting with this for twenty years now and dont know how much longer I can and no me throwing uo is not going to make it better it makes me worse. Sorry for the long rant I just thought maybe someone on here would understand because im at a very low point right now and there is no one else to talk to about this.

    What do you guys do when nausea hits? What are your precautions? How do you stop yourself from vomiting?

  2. #2

    Default Re: This fear is hell!

    Like yourself I reach for the pills. I have domperidone (motillium) and prochlorperazine (stemetil) motilium used to be available to buy but only a few weeks ago the laws on it changed and it's now only available from drs �� my dr does not know I have emet. I get 30 motilium a month cuz I made out I have bad reflux (it works for that too) stemetil I have a lot backed up from a bad case of vertigo. Without pills I would go crazy! If I go out and realise Iv got none with me I have serious panic attacks. It's running my life at the minute. Specially the time of year as we're now in noro season. My mom is first aider at a school. So if anyone is v* she's the one who cleans it up and looks after the ill children. Plus there's my 3 yr old niece at home who is at nursery. It spreads round them like wildfire!! There are many ways for it to come into the house.

    i wash my hands every hour, never touch my face. We're lucky to have 3 bathrooms at home. My family are understanding so I have one just for me. I use a lot of hand gel too. I'm thinking of speaking to my dr about it to see if I can get some therapy xx



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