I saw a doctor yesterday and ended up getting my throat swabbed for strep. She said by the look of my throat, it was very likely and I'm already on antibiotics!

However she said the vomiting likely had nothing to do with it. With no fever and a pain tolerance history like mine, and since I've had strep before without vomiting, she said it was probably due to what I had been eating. Yeah, when all you've had in the past 24 hours is 4 slices of pizza and Chinese food... I think I overestimated my teenage body. Never again.

I'm feeling fine now. After the last episode happened on Saturday night, I felt 10x better, aside from the shock. I stuck to the BRAT diet yesterday just to be sure, but I'm fine! I

I'm honestly very happy it happened. It had to happen to me someday, and I'm happy it was a mild situation as opposed to something else. I now know what to expect, and I know that I will be absolutely fine, in fact better, after it happens.

Please let me know if my post(s) is/are too triggering. I'm not trying to freak anyone, just want you all to know that as someone who has been suffering her entire childhood/teenage life, it is not that bad when it happens. And it may not happen! I just made a stupid, stupid dietary choice that even most non-emets wouldn't do! (It was not food poisoning; my mom and I ate the exact same Chinese food and it's our regular place.)