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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Insulin pump malfunction...v*?

    Hey everyone,

    I was at church today and started talking with this guy. He started telling me about his exciting week...I cringe every time I hear that, because we all know what comes next. (I absolutely love people, for this very reason )

    (I do hope the sarcasm was noted in that last parenthetical phrase)

    He proceeds to tell me he had a sore throat. OK, no big deal. He then says the next day (Saturday...so yesterday) he woke up and was very achey, but that towards the afternoon he started feeling better. OK, I had my flu shot, a little concerning, but still not a huge deal. Well then he says he went surfing (not a surfer...) and got pounded (...I expected this, haha). So he says he didn't eat all day and that his insulin pump wasn't working, and then he started throwing up.

    Now I'm concerned. I proceed to hold my breath as long as I can, hoping not to inhale any particles of saliva leaving his mouth. My immediate reaction...noro has entered the building. Crap.

    As I sat there thinking about my world ending, I started to realize he said he started throwing after his insulin pump gave out. So then I started wondering...is this a normal reaction to insulin pump malfunction? I know nothing about diabetes, but I do know this guy is hooked up to his pump 24/7. I really feel bad for him, honestly. But he does a great job handling it. Until he tells me how he was throwing up. Love that.

    So what do you guys think? Was this some sort of norovirus, or was this related to the insulin pump? Can having the pump not pump insulin for a certain amount of time cause someone to throw up?

    Many thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Insulin pump malfunction...v*?

    Yes, totally normal. My uncle is diabetic and v*s often. When their insulin is messed up it affects their Ketones which in turns, often causes v*ing. Growing up my uncle was sick in bed with v*ing. A LOT! My family never caught anything from him and sadly, it was just expected that once his sugars were off, he would v*. Glad he's ok, a pump issue can lead to serious consequences.



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