I've been in therapy for all sorts of anxiety related issues since about September I guess. There's a lot but I wanted to start with the e-phobia since it's something I can kind of control and change and being an RN and mother of two, hopefully more I'd better kick it.

My therapist has me approaching this as slow exposure- generally You Tube videos of people hurling. Allowing myself to be anxious and not soothe myself with "it's okay, it's just puke....nothing to be worried about" she says that only re-enforces the idea that it's something to be anxious about. I thought it was odd, but I've gone from watching the videos with the sound off, to progressing up to watching them with the sound on. I feel like I should be proud, but at the same time I still get really uptight and nervous when I read Facebook postings about people coming down with the stomach flu, it doesn't escape me that "tis the season" and my son is in kindergarten and daughter is in preschool. It keeps popping up that it's going to happen, it will happen. When either one says they have a belly ache, I get really anxious. So I feel like it's all well and good I'm watching these videos, but...when it's really "go time" what am I going to do?! My therapist says she's proud of how far I've come in just 2 months or so, and I should really snuff those "what if's" and "it's going to happen" right when they start because it only gives the phobia more power. Along with snuffing those thoughts would be the anxiety that comes with my kids using pubic bathrooms and drinking fountains. I guess it's all stuff "normal parents" don't worry about so I need to redirect my brain or re wire it to do that.

Anyone else at this point?