My boyfriend goes to the gym later at night, and last night he texted me that he p*ed chicken wings all over the parking lot on the way out. He v*'s pretty easily, so I asked if he just worked out to hard. He said maybe, but also that his stomach had been bothering him all day and he thought he had a bug.


We hung out Tues this week (thank goodness, our normal night is Thursday!) So I'm not worried I caught anything from him, but I do sleep over on Sunday's too. I'm a bit nervous and told him that his bathroom better smell like bleach when I get there! (I caught a bug from him that way 2 new year's eves ago! ) He promised it would, but of course, I'm still nervous.

It's already 10:30 here and he hasn't answered any of my good morning texts which is odd, even though it's his day off, he's generally an early riser. I really wanna hear he's feeling fine today, and hopefully all his V*ing was done in the Planet Fitness parking lot, and non in his bathroom. I admire his calmness though he's like, "I p*ed, stepped over it, P*ed again, stepped over it, got in my truck and left." I'd be in a padded room right now if it had happened to me!!