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  1. #1

    Default Eeek - turkey stuffing!

    We had turkey last night for christmas dinner. This was the first time I was making it, with my mom and MIL; we don't do traditional stuffing but my mom recommended stuffing in some aromatics together with apples and cranberries for extra flavor which I thought sounded good. I was nervous about the temperature and took it out when the thigh reached 165 as recommended, most of it was cooked perfectly but when we cut down to one of the thighs (not the one i measured), it was kind of pink towards the bone.I freaked out a bit and stayed away from the thigh meat at all. But then when we were carving it, MIL served some of the fruit from inside the turkey together with the meat. I ate some without thinking, and then noticed the apple stayed fairly crunchy for having been in there for so long. Then I remembered reading the whole thing about it being dangerous to cook stuffing inside the bird because it doesn't reach a high enough temperature to kill bacteria - I just didn't pay attention to the advice because I wasn't planning on doing stuffing to begin with. I ate a few pieces of apple and cranberry...and now I'm freaking out, what if we all get sick It's been about 20 hours at this point, but I know it takes 24-48 for some fp cases to kick in....to make matters worse I'm pregnant, which I know makes you more vulnerable to illness I'm terrified, help!!
    Last edited by EvilCookie; 12-26-2014 at 06:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Philadelphia, PA

    Default Re: Eeek - turkey stuffing!

    It's normal for the meat down by the bone on the legs (dark meat) to look kind of pink. If you took the temperature than it was just fine. Every year millions eat stuffing from inside the turkey and don't get sick. Remember, it's NOT just undercooked turkey itself that can get you ill. You need to have a turkey that's already infected with something, and THEN undercook it. In most developed countries now a days, that's really really rare! (Remember, these sicknesses are all bacterial related - and that's one of the reasons they're given antibiotics.

    "Look for love and evidence that you're worth keeping." PJ

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Eeek - turkey stuffing!

    Bone meat is pink. Also the stuffing they talk about is stuff that NEEDS to be cooked high, not apples and aromatics. If it was 165 deep in the thigh/breast, it is fine. And like Naive said, the turkey has to be sick before you cook it. Not all turkey makes you sick if it is undercooked. SLIM chance.



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