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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Philadelphia, PA

    Default Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    Ever hear or read something that grabs onto your brain and doesn't let go, and adds to you Emet mindset?

    I'm sure there's more, but there are 3 off the top of my head that I can think of;

    1. Milk & Orange Juice together will make you v*. Saw that in a movie. . . I think it was Heathers.

    2. A friend of mine mentioned that if he ever eats sushi and drinks alcohol he'll v*, even if it's not together, just in the same day. So now I won't do that. (Not that I drink often).

    3. I was reading an article written by a model scout. In it, she mentioned that she 'tests' clients by taking them out to lunch. She says girls try to be slick by ordering a big meal, but if they order vanilla ice cream for dessert, it's a bulimic red flag because it'll "burn less" on the way up. This made me think 2 things: #1- Maybe I should make Vanilla ice cream my new go to first food after feeling ill. lol. #2 - I legit LOVE salads - lil side ones and big hugely fattening restaurant kinds. I honestly love raw veggies. I also love vanilla ice cream (Don't I sound boring? LOL. Worry not, I loves me a good thick cheeseburger and a lava cake, too!), and I pee a lot. So now when I'm out and I order a salad and Vanilla ice cream, do people think I'm ana/bulimic?

    4. I can't bring myself to willingly drink even a drop of vodka because I know it would make my dad v.

    Do you have any weird "rules" for eating that aren't based on personal experience, but that of others?

    "Look for love and evidence that you're worth keeping." PJ

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    I don't have any for myself because I'm not scared of v*ing, but I DO have them for my boys. My youngest v*ed last year totally unexpectedly and only once after having an italian sausage with mozzarella. I was TERRIFIED to allow him to eat one again a few months later. He's had them multiple times since but I still start to sweat and my head begins spinning every time he has sausage now. I don't say a word to him about it and pretend that all is well, but inside the alarm bells are ringing!!!!! I also freak if they want sugary things. I guess because it sometimes gives them stomach aches and I get anxious that they are actually sick. I am really weird about them and food but I don't ever say no (unless they've just been ill) because I really don't want to pass on ANY of my anxiety or ideas to them. It's TOUGH!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    haha omg I have these. okay *ahem*

    1. i agree with the milk and oj thing, I heard it from others and wasn't sure it was true but a few years ago my cousin drank hot chocolate and drank oj and was sick so ever since then thats forbidden.. but who would want that combo anyway? lol its weird.

    this one isn't others experience, its my own but i figured its a bit of a rule i have so i figured id share.

    2. If i have ever gotten sick in the past and v* the food I ate, it takes a while for me to "get past it" and be okay eating that particular food again. its completely casted away and forbidden until a few years lol.. some things I've never really recovered over (ex: i got sick when i was little after eating popcorn and drinking oj and i now (13 years later) will eat popcorn, and will drink oj but never together lol. not even the same day.

    which brings me to this

    3. I don't eat weird or bad combos in the same day. Like idk how to explain it, its like I think about the mix in my stomach lol. for example. I hate the idea of being sick after eating anything dairy bc its like the worst.. in my opinion. idk. just ew. so I won't eat dairy anything in the same day as something thats a gross mix. or like drink coffee and eat pizza in the same day because i think its a gross mix and get afraid if for some reason I get sick, that combo would be terrifying lol... so I have a habit of like eating certain foods throughout the day that wouldn't freak me out AS MUCH if i you know... (its weird idk lol)

    4. My mom used to say that I shouldn't lay down after eating bc its bad n makes you feel sick. so I don't ever lay down after eating or when I'm full because i think it will make my stomach hurt/ give me acid reflux which = stomach ache n feeling terrible

    5. The saying "liquor before beer, ur in the clear. Beer before liquor, ur never sicker" I never tested tho sour either but I live by it during social gatherings lol... I don't drink much either but when i do, I remember this rule and I know my limits verrrryyyy welllll.

    I'm sure theres more but I can't think of the rest right now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Philadelphia, PA

    Default Re: Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    I won't lay down for a half hour after eating, either! I swear, it makes me feel sick every time!

    "Look for love and evidence that you're worth keeping." PJ

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    The only one I can think of right now is that since I haven't had a sv since I was a kid that I'm due to get one any time now. I also never mix any sort of alcohol for fear of getting sick, even things like red and white wine

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    Quote Originally Posted by NaiveAndTrue View Post
    I won't lay down for a half hour after eating, either! I swear, it makes me feel sick every time!
    Same! And If I really want to relax I'll sit up on the couch but not lay down.. I have horrible reflux issues.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    no more than one pepparami, itll make me v* (never actually has, my mum used to scare me with it as she didnt want me eating them)
    May your dreams be bigger than your fears

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default Re: Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    Bologna and Mustard sandwiches are a no-no for me. I was sick after eating one and now I can't stand the taste of bologna or mustard.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Re: Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    i heard a story in D.A.R.E from a cop that he v* the first time he smoked a cigarette. that always stuck.
    “A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a short cut to meet it.”

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Chicago, IL

    Default Re: Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    I never mix different colors or types of liquor (i.e., if I am drinking gin and tonic, I won't switch to brown rum or anything like that).

    I also remember a friend of mine burning her tongue on spicy food. My mother said that she read that drinking milk helps to soothe the burning in your mouth, and my friend said, "no, the mixture makes you v*.
    I hate milk, so I strongly discourage friends from drinking milk if they are eating spicy foods!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    United States

    Default Re: Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    Mushrooms..lol.. I'm not allergic but my friend is.. I know it's silly but I can't help it. Almost never drink milk or lay down after eating.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    1. Watermelon and milk and drinking milk when you have a fever is completely forbidden for me because my grandmother told me it would make you sick.
    2. Any combination of food that just doesnt seem right like candy or chips after drinking milk at some point in the day.
    3. I can't eat anything sweet more than once a day. Sometimes twice if one of the things was really small.
    4. I have to eat EXACT serving and no more than three times a day, generally or else I get really really anxious.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    UK, Northamptonshire.

    Default Re: Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    I don't drink lucozade anymore because that's what I used to drink when I had the sv* when I was 10 and think it will make me v* again out of nowhere lol. Also, there's this song I heard before I v* with the sv* and I leave the room or cover my ears if I hear that song again because it reminds me of that moment when I was ill.
    Virtue - "You don't need a reason to help people"

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Sydney, AUS

    Default Re: Weird things that stick in your emet-head. :P

    *If I ever would vomit in my life, because I haven't v'd since 1998 *knocks on wood*.
    *If I eat this and get food poisoning afterwards.
    *If I wake up nauseous in the middle of the night - this has been happening to me recently. Very terrifying, because the last time I got a stomach virus (2008) it was in the middle of the night.



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