hello everyone

so i posted a few weeks ago about a lack of love life- and i have been trying to get into the game of dating! i finally pluck up the courage to go on one- it goes amazingly well, we had pizza and a lot in common and then end then night with a goodbye kiss
what happens? i get a text this morning telling me that he had v-ed. this has put me into hyperdrive, i cant stop panicing and counting down the hours (72) untill i am "clear" of having any symptoms, i'm supposed to be going for a family gathering tomorrow for new years but by then i will only be 48 hours in and i cant stop having panic attacks and feeling on edge. i mean he seemed fine and ate a whole pizza but i just cant help feeling very worried about this!
some reassurance and methods for coping with panic attacks wouldn't go amiss. THIS IS WHY I DONT DATE.
Happy New Year