Total panic mode right I spent the holidays with my boyfriend who is in the Navy so I dropped him off at the airport very early Saturday morning. He just texted me a half hour ago saying he v*d his brains out! I asked why, but he hasn't texted me back. It's Monday night, so it's past the 48 hour mark in case we came in to contact with something...but all I did that morning was literally drop him off, we didn't go anywhere together that morning except from my house to the airport. We didn't even go out Friday night except for the grocery store. I'm hoping we didn't both get the same thing He is very sick with a bad cold, and earlier tonight he said he took a bunch of nyquil to knock out and get some rest. Could that have made him sick? He also is generally a person that v*'s know, eats too much and will just v* like it's nothing (how we will live together when he's out of the Navy...I don't know!). What do you guys think? Help!