so my kids were sick 3 days before christmas (2 days after we made a big move from indiana to boston ma) My son tu 8 times and my daughter (just 1 year old) tu 5. my fiance took care of them both ( I stayed up stairs for the next 24 hours) but then cristmas eve i started feeling so bad was up all night with d and kept running outside with that tu feeling. I was running a temp. It stayed low for me but I felt HORRIBLE. It lasted till about 1pm christmas day. Well I woke up this morning feeling sic and of course I am freaking out. Its been just over 2 weeks since my kids were sick and 11-12 days since i had it. Am i just anxious? that night really set me back and i feel doomed lately. My fiance never got it which shocks me. He used lysol and bleach after each time they tu. But I ended up getting it. Its so weird. scares me