I started a thread about this time last year and it has tons of great tips and all us mom's expanded. The keys are the following:

1. sea bands
2. always snack. crackers. dry cereal.
3. sour things are your friend (lemon drops, sour patch kids)
4. never get out of bed before eating a few crackers or something. trust me. you will feel awful.
5. hydrate all the time. water. ginger ale. vitamin water. anything.
6. eat whatever you can tolerate. I lived on 10 things my first trimester. 10 things my second. 10 things my last. it was odd. I am vegan but all I wanted was chicken tenders and mcd's filet o fish. never ate since. I love pasta but couldn't even look at it when pregnant.
7. if you do get sick, it isn't at all like a sv and passes fast. some people are sick one time, others a lot. I was n all 40 weeks but never v ONCE. it is possible to be n and never get sick.
8. rest. a lot. esp 1st trimester. I was dizzy a lot. laying down helped the n go away. just because you aren't showing doesn't mean your body isn't working HARD. the 6 - 12 week mark are the busiest bc the brain and heart and spine are forming and your body is working overtime.

and congrats! my son is almost 8 and he is the best thing I ever did in my entire life!