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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Panicky about a few things!

    I'm really panicking ATM as I've suddenly come on all nauseous!!! Sorry for the info but I've come on my period today and do have stomach cramps (I can cope with this and have a hot water bottle over me) so could it mainly be connected to my period? Women..... Do you feel nauseous on your periods? I'm pretty sure every month I go through the same but of course with this silly phobia I'm always comparing every twinge to when I had a SV rather than times when I was actually fine!

    Another weird thing tonight is my throat/chest area won't stop gurgling! It's really loud and annoying and feels as though i need to burp but I'm one of these people that can't burp! I'm nearly 22 and have never been able to except when I have v-ed in the past! I get this gurgly sensation a lot actually but tonight is extra bad and I wondered if anyone else happens to know what it is?! Im really panicky like as the air comes up as I worry I will unexpectedly burp and V! Argh!!

    Another thing that's constantly on my mind ATM is that I joined the gym recently, today while I was there I realised how full of germs it must be, lots of the equipment and handles were sweaty and Obvs I was touching them and it just really freaked me out what must be lurking around the gym! I washed my hands as soon as I was home but while I was there I found myself opening my water bottle with my hands and then drinking from it after touching things!!! So the whole gym/germs/sweat thing is bothering me!

    Sorry for the essay I just needed to get that off my chest!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Panicky about a few things!

    When I get cramps, I feel incredibly nauseous. I don't know if it's part of me PMSing or if my body doesn't know how to deal with the cramps, but it has never made me v*. It definitely makes me scared when it happens, but logically I know that it's nothing to worry about.

    I don't know what the gurgling is, but if it's happened to you in the past, I think you will be just fine. There is no reason to believe that if you didn't v* last time, you will this time. I know it's nerve wracking, but you should be fine.

    When I'm feeling anxious, I bring a little bottle of hand sanitizer to the gym. That way I can sanitize before I open my water bottle. But if you wipe down the equipment before you use it (because you can't always assume the last person did after they used it), it should really only be your own sweat on it, which isn't going to hurt you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Perth, Western Australia

    Default Re: Panicky about a few things!

    Hey there, I sometimes get very bad cramps during the first few days of my period. It is so painful I feel very n*. I have never v* due to that time of month plus I have never heard/known any woman to v* due to periods. Just relax and have a lie down, it will pass! Also I get throat gurgles all the time, not sure if they're the same as yours. My understanding is its just air bubbles coming up especially if its from your chest (air from respiratory system). Of course if its concerning you, see your doctor.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: Panicky about a few things!

    Hey there - the thing in the throat is from more air getting into your system if you are really panicky do you breathe deeply or a lot? If so you are probably getting more air in there then necessary. Also if you haven't eaten in a while it will give you gas and it can come that way too. I have it a lot. I know what you mean though - sometimes you feel like you need to burp and then you worry it's more. Keep breathing.. Deep slower breaths. Sometimes it helps me to walk too - go out around the block a few times.



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