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Thread: Freaking out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Exclamation Freaking out

    So I've been hanging out with these girls for a few days on and off and found out some of them have a stomach virus. I also found out that my friend's dad just got it today and I had slept over like 2 nights ago and was there yesterday morning. I haven't shared drinks or anything with anyone and I was wondering If it was possible to still catch it even if they weren't sick while I was around them?? Please help, I'm so nervous

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Dunedin, NZ

    Default Re: Freaking out

    I understand your nervousness but you truly have NOTHING to worry about. They are only contagious when their symptoms begin and I would imagine they're not going to be out socializing whilst ill. Also, people tend to wash their hands or shower after being ill. I am willing to bet you're highly likely to be just fine!
    Some people are so poor, all they have is money.

    Facebook Donna Mutch

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: Freaking out

    Yeah... I'm pretty much freaking out this morning too. My husband has the flu, (cold, body aches, fever etc.) but he also got up and vomited this morning. He vomits rather easily, has strong gag reflex and all but now on top of my fears of getting the flu, I'm also afraid that if I do I might vomit. I know the flu can cause nausea too. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly my anxiety can shoot through the roof when I've been around someone who has vomited. I have Pure O - OCD and have learned to do exposure for many obsessional theme's but I've never been able to push past my vomiting phobia. Hard to do exposure to that one. I rarely vomit and actually went a total of 25 years without doing so until a colonoscopy prep. caused me to vomit three times in a row. That was about 9 years ago. This phobia makes me feel like such a jerk because I hate that I feel more anxious about my being sick than I do about the person who is sick. I was handling him having the flu fairly well, taking care of him and showing compassion, but now that he's vomited I know I'll just pretty much avoid being near him because I'll be too caught up in my own anxiety.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Freaking out

    I have the same problem with my husband. I feel like a terrible selfish wife because I can't go in the room, etc when he's sick. I Lysol everything. We have a joke now where, if he is sick and I have the Lysol in my hands he opens his mouth pretending I can spray to disinfect him .

    He's super understanding (not at first when we got married but after a while he realized I wasn't joking) and never holds it against me.

    Just wanted you you to know you're not alone in that feeling and our husbands care enough about us to know that there are some things we just can't do.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: Freaking out

    Thanks so much for sharing that. Today I'm walking around with a Clorox disinfectant wipe. I really hate it when one of my little grandchildren innocently say: "my belly hurts" while eating here. (Usually this is a ploy to get out of eating something.) Anyhow, once those words come out of their mouth I start to avoid being close to them just in case. I love kissing and cuddling and holding them on my lap while we read books etc., but if I think they are coming down with a stomach bug, I want them out of the house.. like.. now! Makes me feel like such a jerk.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrsknightly View Post
    I have the same problem with my husband. I feel like a terrible selfish wife because I can't go in the room, etc when he's sick. I Lysol everything. We have a joke now where, if he is sick and I have the Lysol in my hands he opens his mouth pretending I can spray to disinfect him .

    He's super understanding (not at first when we got married but after a while he realized I wasn't joking) and never holds it against me.

    Just wanted you you to know you're not alone in that feeling and our husbands care enough about us to know that there are some things we just can't do.



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