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  1. #1

    Default Daughter exposed!!! Major panic attack!!

    So my daughter came home from nursery and the first thing she told me was a kid was s* outside and she fell over in it..........! Instant panic, I asked her about it when we got home see if her story had changed (she is three lol) it didn't, she went on to say her teacher saved her!! Anyway I never mentioned it to her again, but she kept talking about it all night!!

    My panic took over and I feel very silly now, but I facebooked her nursery teacher to ask if she fell in it or not and explained my stupid phobia!!!!!

    Anyway she replied and said she didn't fall directly in it just near it, it was covered in a special powder striaght away, she had mud on her hand from falling over so her hands where washed straight away with soap and water! Also she wasn't changed, and nothing smelt of s* but she got stripped and everything including her coat went in the washer!!

    So my question is if she did fall over near to it, what's her chances of catching it........??

    In for a long night of worry and panic


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Daughter exposed!!! Major panic attack!!

    Honestly, her chances are pretty much zero. Her hands were washed and her clothes were changed. Sounds like all of the bases were covered. What a great teacher! You should send her a bit of candy or flowers to thank her. It really sounds like she handled the situation perfectly!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Daughter exposed!!! Major panic attack!!

    Thank you for your reply

    Felt so embarrassed picking her up today tho, the headteacher said that I shouldn't of messaged another teacher about a school related matter as she could get into trouble! Which I already knew, but my panic took over!!! I just needed to know!! She did confirm again that she only fell over near it and the powder was already laid down!!

    Silly mammy moment x



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