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Thread: Reaching out

  1. #1

    Unhappy Reaching out

    Hi, i'm writing this now as the panic of having sick family members needs to be distracted.
    I'm 22/M , and have been emet for about 3 years now, which seemed to of come out of nowhere. I haven't had any past of this, thought i always took V****** for an unpleasant experience, now it's borderline sheer terror at the idea. I've become dependent on anti-anxiety medication such as Ativan, stealing from my parent's prescriptions just to make it through the week. It seems the thought of getting sick invades the mind, then the anxiety and panic rolls in, followed by extreme n*****. No one i know seems to understand, since at this age drinking is so prevalent, V is nothing knew to them. I'm just trying to reach out to a community that understands the day to day struggle of Emetophobia, and how some of you have reduced your episodes.

    I'd really like to break this dependency of medication that isn't even mine, and hand sanitizer/lysol spray.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Re: Reaching out

    Gosh sorry to hear. I can understand where you are coming from somewhat. I've had my emetophobia for close to 4yrs now and ya it's not fun at all. I can't really say exactly how I reduce my anxiety or panic episodes when I get really scared of getting sick. It's not easy that's all I know. You mentioned distractions though and ya I guess those are some things that I think can be useful. It's definitely nice to have resources like this where you can come to talk to people about your fears etc and it can for sure provide some relief. I know for myself I use chat more then anything and that helps me to have someone just listen when I'm anxious. Anything I think is good though that will help to relieve that anxiety and even if that means just writing stuff down. If I can ask are you doing therapy at all? Well hope your ok and that you can find some relief talking to others on here as well See you.



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