Okay so yesterday me and my bf went to walmart ........... and he pushed the buggy. Later, he ate with his hands and he is currently okay. Well, I pushed the buggy too (my hands were in a different spot then his before) and then was touching my phone later. He then later kissed the palm of my hand and hes okay now. Anyway, today, I was opening my bottle of water and I try not to touch the mouth part of the bottle and I didn't. However, I might've touched the bottom rim of the cap, and that might've touched the mouth part on the bottle, where a person drinks, and I also drank some water after I done that. The reason I'm worried is because I had been touching my phone, like I was last night at walmart. I guess I', scared there were noro particles on the buggy, which got on my phone, that I touched and then touched the bottle cap and then which touched the mouth part which I drunk. I know all this sounds stupid, but I'm kinda anxious over this.