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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Husband Nauseous--increasing my anxiety

    My husband started complaining of a stomach ache a few hrs ago. Now he says he nauseous. My anxiety is increasing. 1. Bc I love him and I don't want to see him sick. And 2. Bc if he is in fact sick with something contagious I don't want to get it. I am terrified of throwing up!!! And actually anymore probably nausea too. I'm 8.5 months pregnant and have heartburn/nausea at night and I've learned to somewhat handle that, but a virus is like a totally different fear!! When I get nauseous with the pregnancy I always just think "this is NORMAL it is ok". I don't know why, if I get a virus I can't think that too. It is, in fact, normal too. People get upset tummies and it's not dangerous. But to me it is terrifying! Just need some words of encouragement. This is also my greatest fear in being a mom, as I don't want to pass this on to my child. I had a counselor tell me right before I got pregnant that if I didn't get this taken care of that I would pass it on to my child. I feel she was wrong in telling me that. Thanks for the vent.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Husband Nauseous--increasing my anxiety

    Ok, let's get one thing straight, you are going to be an amazing mother, I can just tell straight away from reading your post that you genuinely care so much for your child's welfare That counsellor is totally out of order and wholly wrong. Emetophobia is not genetic and so there is absolutely no way she can say that you will pass it on to your child, in fact you're most unlikely to pass on your phobia to your child, ask any of the mothers on here. Anyway, on to the main part of your post, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband, I hope he starts to feel better soon!

    Until he does start feeling better, there are a few things that you can do which will significantly reduce your risk of catching anything from him (assuming that it is infectious). First of all, avoid touching your face, eating or drinking without having washed your hands. Hand washing is the single most effective way to reduce the likelihood of you getting ill, read the countless threads here of people being stuck in the same house as people who've been ill, they've all survived the experience without getting ill, all by being careful with their hand hygiene.

    Next of all, if possible then get your husband to use a dedicated bathroom (if he needs to d* or v*) and you use the other one. If that's not possible then I'm ask him if he wouldn't mind giving the bathroom a quick wipe down with a diluted bleach solution after he's used it. That will also reduce your chances of catching anything by a great deal. Oh, and of course, making sure your husband washes his hands properly with soap and water, so he doesn't end up contaminating surfaces, which I'm sure he wouldn't mind doing (he probably does that anyway).

    These simple measures are all you need to avoid getting ill, it's a tried and tested method that's kept countless of us emets safe and sound from all manner of infectious illnesses

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: Husband Nauseous--increasing my anxiety

    Thank you so much! That first paragraph literally brought a tear to my hormonal eye! I just don't want my child to see me break down when he is sick bc I know kids need their mommy.. And I want to be there. As far as the other tips, thank you. I will be extra diligent. He is upstairs laying down right now. I'm gonna go check out the damage in a little bit. Fingers crossed. Thank you so much for your response!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Husband Nauseous--increasing my anxiety

    that counselor is an idiot. I am an emet mom of an amazing 8 yo boy who is not emet. he is anxious about tons of other things and knows fully how bad my emet is. you are going to be an awesome mom!!

    second - if your husband is sick, be logical. sleep on the sofa. move toothbrush out of bathroom, don't kiss for a few days, lots of handwashing and lysol.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: Husband Nauseous--increasing my anxiety

    Thanks for saying that. I know it will be challenging as a parent but worth it. Husband is good. I don't know why he had the nausea but nothing else became of it. Crazy how something so small can get me worked up. Thanks for the comments!



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