Freaking out a bit. I'm at my boyfriend's house, it is 6:46 am, and I am having horrible stomach cramps at the moment. They came out of nowhere, seemingly in a weird dream. I can't really explain that--I always tend to have stress dreams when I sleep here. We are both teachers, so maybe while I am sleeping next to him, I happen to just think about teaching a lot. Anyway, I think in the dream I was grading a really awful paper (which is definitely cause for a stomach ache...)

But in all seriousness, I've never gotten cramps from stress before (if I were to assume it was caused by the dream). My mind is, of course, automatically jumping to food poisoning. I ate a past its time avocado yesterday morning. I've eaten mushy, brownish avocados before and have been fine, but this one had a very peculiar taste. It was almost fragrant, like body wash. That sounds so strange but that's the only way I can describe it. It wasn't bitter; just fragrant. I didn't eat the whole thing, but I definitely ate more than I probably should've.

Would I have already felt symptoms of food poisoning?? How long does it take for an avocado to get you sick (or is that an oddly specific question?)? The cramps are in and out. My period just ended so unfortunately I can't blame that (the only time I'm upset about not having my period). I just want to go back to sleep