just to clear things up here, stemetil (which is metaclopromide) is THE BEST anti-emetic here in aus... my mum is a nurse and so i make sure we hav it on hand all the time, plus my older bro gets migraines every three days or so so we kind of HAV to always hav it... but honestly for nausea, it works wonders... it does make u a lil loopy cos it helps wit virtigo and things like that so it plays wit ur head a bit and makes u feel a lil drowsy but i love it cos if i feel sick or im hungover or sumtin i pop one of them and it sends me to sleep.. when i wake up im all better!![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] it is prescription here in aus tho... blackmores ginger tablets are also awesome.. theyre called travelcalm... they are SWEET!! and emetrol didnt work for me..<!--
var SymReal&#079;nLoad;
var SymReal;

window.open = SymWinOpen;
if(SymReal != null)

if(SymReal&#079;nLoad != null)
window.open = SymRealWinOpen;
SymReal = window.;
window. = Sym;

SymReal&#079;nLoad = window.&#111;nload;
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