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  1. #1

    Default Horrible anxiety right now

    So earlier I posted about my boyfriend. He has had diarrhea pretty much all day since about 11 am my time. Now it's 8, I'm a wreck. He hasn't v*ed. He said he doesn't feel like he has to. But today I'm basically terrified of my boyfriend. :-( I'm not sure how possible it is for him to give me a sv if he isn't v*ing but I'm avoiding him like the plague tonight. My anxiety is completely awful, I haven't eaten anything at all today and now I don't plan on eating anything for probably several days now. I have a history of being anorexic when I actually do end up sick. The last time I had a sv was in 2007, I lost 97 lbs that time. I've had emetophobia for at least 22 years now. I did let him kiss me on the lips earlier, which I'm freaking out about, but he hasn't v*ed at all, so should I be safe? As long as I'm careful about the bathroom? I'm absolutely sleeping on the couch tonight. I can't handle this phobia anymore.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Horrible anxiety right now

    I also forgot to add, my sons step mother was at my place last Monday, for his birthday. She woke up the next morning with a sv... not at my place but hers. I figured we were far past the incubation period plus I bleached the place like crazy. Friday night and Saturday night my boyfriend decided to drink A LOT. But seeing how he was fine yesterday, I find it hard to believe it was from alcohol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Horrible anxiety right now

    I think I read in your other thread that it's been 7 days since you saw your sons step mom? And also that she was sick AFTER you last saw her? She's not contagious until she's physically ill so you really have nothing to worry about there. And even on the off beat chance that she was already ill, one of you would have been showing symptoms by the 48-36 hour mark.

    Diarrhea can be caused by anything and more often than not, it has nothing to do with anything contagious. If you bf says he feels fine, he probably does. the diarrhea can be caused by anything, even the alcohol completely metabolizing through his system today. I'm sure he's FINE and so are you!

    (Also, did you actually mean to say you lost NINETY SEVEN pounds in 2007 from a stomach bug? Because that doesn't sound like any stomach bug I've ever heard of... That's a whole person)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Horrible anxiety right now

    Yes, it was between 93-97 lbs. It does sound like another person. My son at the time was just turning 2 years old. I was 228 lbs. This wasn't weight I lost in a week. I was anorexic. I stopped eating and starved myself for months. Obviously I'd force myself to consume a tiny bit here and there but hardly. I've been battling this since I was 10 years old. It's a complete nightmare for me. Because my boyfriend had his diarrhea issue yesterday and then my sons step mom having a stomach virus at the beginning of the week, not to mention going on Facebook and it never fails to have one of these statuses show up in my news feed, it triggered the worst of my phobia. Now I feel guilty about last night, sleeping on the couch and my boyfriend won't even talk to be because he's mad I was on the couch



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