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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    City of Bath, England.

    Default Trapped gas or kidney stones? Or worse?

    I've not eaten very well at all today as I was anxious, but coming to the end of the day I began to feel starving! Anyway, we get home and suddenly I remember that someone was supposed to come round so I have a spoonful of Nutella (fastest thing I could find) to tide me over until this person leaves.
    I'm anxious during the whole visit (about 30 minutes long) and started getting a bit of stomach pain. Try to wave it off as hunger.

    Person leaves and then I wolf the first portion of my food down (chicken nuggets and some fries) and then suddenly things get more painful. I always suffer from trapped gas straight after food so I try to give myself some stomach rubs etc.

    Pain is now really bad and it's been about 2 hours since it started! It's goes from right under my ribs and then moves to my lower abdomen and sometimes my lower back. When I stand it's worse, I've passed gas a few times but nothing that's relieved the feeling. Of course when I googled it I got things about kidney stones!!! And then saw things about people V* from kidney stones etc.

    AH! I can't stop freaking out. Slouched on the sofa with a heat pad and trying different positions to coax the gas out...

    Please tell me this is just trapped gas. I've never had it last this long. I'm not even bloated I'm so very confused and in a lot of pain!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Los Angeles

    Default Re: Trapped gas or kidney stones? Or worse?

    From what I know about kidney stones, the pain is so bad you probably wouldn't even be able to make this post. You would know. It's supposed to be like one of the most painful things EVER. Honestly I think it's gas, especially if you ate really quickly which it sounds like you did. It'll pass, see if you can get some alka seltzer or something similar.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Trapped gas or kidney stones? Or worse?

    Definitely not kidney stones. That's not something that's easy or can be mistaken for something else. Typically the pain is completely crippling. I remember my mom having kidney stones once and she spent hours crying and crawling around the house, until she was finally able to make it to the ER. And when i say she was crying, I definitely mean she was sobbing.

    Trust. You would most assuredly know if you had kidney stones

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    City of Bath, England.

    Default Re: Trapped gas or kidney stones? Or worse?

    Oops okay! Sorry my overreactive brain was on full power last night!



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