Hi everyone

I wonder if any of you could help me or give me any advice?

Since Tuesday I have had an 'off stomach'. I felt hungry at lunchtime and ate something and then soon after I started to get like a cramping feeling in my lower abdomen and passed a lot of gas I felt as though I needed to do a BM but only managed to go a little bit (normal). The crampy feeling remained all afternoon and then I was hit by a wave of n* and thought I might possibly v* in the supermarket!! Luckily I didn't and the n* subsided a bit. When I got home my tummy felt hollow and rumbly and I felt hungry. I felt a bit better after dinner.

Wednesday may stomach still didn't 'feel right' and I was still feeling a bit crampy but had a normal BM. Tummy finally seemed to settle down last night.

This morning I felt fine and then this afternoon the cramping came back with a sharp pains in my sides and quite bad backache. I went for a BM twice but it seemed normal! I've now still got a little bit of nausea and my tummy almost feels a bit bruised lower down and has a nervous/excited feeling!!???

I don't feel particularly anxious atm so I don't THINK it's anxiety. I have been diagnosed with 'probable IBS' but haven't suffered 'a session' for quite a while now.

I am confused and want to feel better!

Sorry for long-winded post and thank you for reading!